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Assessment Center Technology


Assessment Center Technology is considered in world management practice the most exact and effective instrument of an evaluation of managerial capacity and potential of personnel (managers and candidates for executive position of different levels). This is one of methods of a deep complex assessment of the personnel based on use of the complementary techniques intended for an evaluation of real qualities and abilities and allowing as a result to predict with very high degree of probability the efficiency of concrete workers in practice.

The essence of Assessment Center Technology is to create sequence of assessment procedures clearly planned for concrete organization which simulate the key points of evaluated person’s activity. Assessment participants (candidates) pass complex tests by various exercises and techniques in which significant for activity performance qualities are shown. Degree of quality expressiveness is evaluated by the qualified specialists (external experts and employees of client organization) and conclusions about potential and personal-business qualities of separate workers as well as conclusions about personnel (managerial) potential of the organization are made on the basis of this evaluation.

The problems solved with the application of Assessment Center technology


 The main characteristics of Assessment Center technology

  • The system of assessment criteria in Assessment Center technology is produced individually for each enterprise  in view of practice specificity;
  • Participants of Assessment Center pass complex tests by various exercises and techniques;
  • Subject’s real-life behavior is analyzed and evaluated ;
  • Each participant of  Assessment Center is assessed by several experts;
  • «observation» и «evaluation» stages are distributed in time for attainment of the maximum degree of objectivity;
  • The evaluation is made not only by experts in the field of carrying out of Assessment Center technology but also by specially prepared observers (employees of the client organization);
  • Results of Assessment Center technology allow to predict success of examinees in various spheres.


Stages of Assessment Center


Stage content


Project preparation

Determination of:

  • Assessment purposes; periods;
  • Assessment scope;
  • the list of examinees;
  • organizational conditions for realization of Assessment Center technique.


Formation of assessment criteria

  • studying of peculiarities of employees activity;
  • formation of competencies list and assessment criteria;
  • expert evaluation of criteria by organization management;
  • processing of results, approval of competencies and assessment criteria.


Designing of assessment procedures

  • designing of procedures and determination of assessment methods;
  • development of substantive part of group and individual tasks;
  • making of the organizational  plan of Assessment Center implementation;
  • formation of the schedule of participants mix and itinerary lists of assessment.


Observers training

  • definition of observers list (employees of client organization);
  • carrying out of training program for observers.


Carrying out of assessment procedures

  • special exercises;
  • group exercises;
  • psychological testing;
  • individual tasks;
  • interview.


Results analysis

  • preparation of the individual and generalized materials on test group;
  • resulting interview with examinees;
  • preparation of the report by results of Assessment Center.



  • discussion of assessment results with organization management;
  • discussion of assessment results used for development of personnel programs.


Assessment Center: representation formats of final conclusion

Several approaches to the description of final assessment results are applied in practice. The format of final conclusion is selected depending on several factors: assessment goals and objectives, quantity of examinees, personnel level in administrative hierarchy, depths of research etc. Total cost of the project is formed according to it.

Formats of final conclusion:

1. A score of each examinee on competencies and criteria and ranked list. If it necessary- to evaluate criteria expressivity on any complex bases (for example, in mass personnel selection, in formation of reserve group in large number of candidates etc). Formation of group for development, groups for decision-making and risk group. Recommendations to executives for personnel decisions making.

2. A score of each examinee on competencies and criteria, ranked list and the individual conclusions indicating strengths and weakness, potentially successful and dangerous situations, possibilities and restrictions. The description of vivid peculiarities of the candidates shown by them in assessment (for example, in evaluation of employee’s potential, formation of reserve group managers etc.) with brief descriptions on each person. Formation of group for development, groups for decision-making and risk group. Recommendations to executives for personnel decisions making.

3. A score of each examinee on competencies and criteria, examinees ranking by assessment results. The detailed characteristics on each examinee with the complex description of results for formation of complete image of examinees. The description of potentially successful and dangerous situations, strengths and weakness, possibilities and restrictions on each person. Recommendations on use and development of potential of each participant (for example in assessment of top managers, in competition to fill the vacancy on high management level etc.). Recommendations to executives for personnel decisions making.

The general representations on a substantial part of Assessment Center technology and the main conceptual approaches to personnel assessment are stated here in the article «Personnel assessment: the main traditions and approaches».




Программа подготовки наблюдателей

Обучение  Assessment Center

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Описание элементов Assessment CenterОписание элементов Assessment Center ( Центр Оценки )

Описание методов технологии Assessment CenterОписание методов технологии Assessment Center

Описание шкалы, используемой для оценки в технологии Assessment CenterОписание шкалы, используемой для оценки в технологии Assessment Center

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Assessment Center: деловая игра как эффективный метод отбора кандидатовAssessment Center: деловая игра как эффективный метод отбора кандидатов

Традиционный Assessment CenterAssessment Center: основные традиции и подходы к комплексной оценке персонала 

Стратегический Assessment CenterСтратегический Assessment Centre ( Центр Оценки)

Командообразующий Assessment CenterAssessment Center как технология создания команд

Развивающий Assessment CenterAssessment Center как технология развития сотрудников

Индивидуальный Assessment CenterИндивидуальный (персональный) Assessment Center

Обучение технологии Assessment CenterОписание элементов процесса обучения технологии Assessment Center

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