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Learning by Doing Technology.



Learning by doing technology as means of effective solution of complex organizational problems focused on implementation of changes, activity optimization, employees training and improvement of management quality of difficult processes in company.

This specific model of known before technology was developed by us since 2006, has been approved on a number of industrial enterprises and banks, and today is realized through the organization of group design activity of the enterprise employees (students of corresponding faculties), working under the direction of "reservists" over the decision of problems on certain stages and with support of consultants.

At the heart of the second model «Learning by Doing as the technology of «organizational changes» lies classical technology Learning by Doing, based on attraction of workers to solving of management problems and organizational development of the company.


Learning By Doing as the technology of training of reserve group of managers

Learning By Doing as the technology of implementation of organizational changes


We are obliged firstly to Pavloutsky A.V. (PhD in economics, the president of consulting company "Pavloutsky and Partners ") for appearance of this area of activity in our practice. He strengthened our boldness to dare and not to be afraid of mistakes.

The specialists who have a wide experience of the organization and carrying out of projects with application of Learning by doing technology participate in work as consultants.


Программа подготовки наблюдателей

Обучение  Assessment Center

Кадровый резерв



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Описание методов технологии Assessment CenterОписание методов технологии Assessment Center

Описание шкалы, используемой для оценки в технологии Assessment CenterОписание шкалы, используемой для оценки в технологии Assessment Center

Обоснование выбора компетентностей и компетенций  для оценки руководителей (кандидатов в группу резерва руководителей)Обоснование выбора компетентностей и компетенций для оценки руководителей (кандидатов в группу резерва руководителей)

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Индивидуальный Assessment CenterИндивидуальный (персональный) Assessment Center

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