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Main Page Complex Personnel <br> Technologies Технология Управления Проектами Learning by Doing as the technology of training of reserve group of managers



Learning by Doing as the technology

of training of reserve group of managers


Project participants

  • members of reserve group of managers passed complex selection and participating in program of management preparation;
  • young specialists of enterprise;
  • students of relevant faculties.


The project purposes

  • development and exploitation of effective model of reserve practical training;
  • reception by future managers of management skill in design activity;
  • development of future managers ability to participate in innovative activity and to realize successfully changes in the organization;
  • attraction of perspective young specialists (students of corresponding faculties) for work in organization;
  • the solving of real problems of the organization (division).


Feature of the project

1. Project activity carried out by "reservists" and their groups is related to the solving of real problems and directed on implementation of the received results to work practice of the organization (division).

2. «Reservists» quality of work as heads of design groups and results received during the project:

  • allow to develop and evaluate their real readiness to new role (the head of group, the tutor) and to new problems;
    • reveal real degree of maturity of leadership qualities, organizing abilities, a level of responsibility (for itself and for the group), etc.;
  • Show their intention and ability to reach real results even under poor conditions or in uncertainty situation.

3. Participation in work of design groups by young specialists of the organization or students of corresponding faculties allows to estimate their appeal as potential (perspective) workers in the future.

4. «Reservists» work in project can be combined with their participation as listeners in the program of administrative and socially - psychological preparation of reserve group.

5. The project should not include investments into the new equipment, acquisition of new technologies and the software and other financial investments for achievement of real result.

6. The project can be organized and carried out as technology of implementation of organizational changes. In this case the existing managers of divisions forming project team for solving of concrete tasks with the further work on stages of Learning by Doing technology act as heads of working groups.


The essence of project

The future managers establish business relations at different levels of administrative hierarchy supervising over project groups within the Learning by Doing technology, acquire new skills of problem statement and solving, organize group work, keep up interest of group members for work, receive skills of group activity management etc. Attraction of young specialists of the organization (or students of corresponding specialties) as members of working groups to process gives full possibility to the future managers to receive serious skill of group management (group rallying, statement of problems, motivation, the control etc.) and to master new roles of the organizer and the tutor. During the realization of projects "reservists" get acquainted with work specificity of various divisions, learn to consider the organization as complex formation, achieve concrete results and implement them in practice of the organization (division).

Critical points of the project are intermediate report "sessions" - the periodic meetings realized according to certain technology for group discussion of intermediate results, joint planning of concrete actions as well as for individual work of consultants with project participants. The regular meetings with consultants in a format of personal coaching are organized for heads of project groups ("reservists").

"Reservists" are trained at a seminar «Management of Project activity» under corresponding program for formation of necessary level of knowledge and development of headship skills and the organization of project group work.

The seminar "Public performance: the art of presentation" is hold on one of project stages with members of design groups.

Final session with reports on the done work and the received results carried out in the presence of an organization management is direct final examination for heads of groups (reservists) with the further making of well-founded personnel decisions.

Terms of program realization are from 6 till 12 months.


Work stages in Learning by doing project


Stage content



  • Definition of the project purposes, the terms of the project, answerable for implementation of measures, organizational conditions for project carrying out.
  • Estimation (Assessment Center) and the approval of heads of design groups.
  • Definition (including - through carrying out of assessment procedures) of the list of young specialists or students of the corresponding specialties which are taking part in work of design groups.
  • Formation of the list of tasks (problems) for their further working out and the solving (implementation).
  • Formation of design groups. Carrying out of team building procedure.



  • Carrying out of meeting with top management in an extended composition for acquaintance of existing heads with Learning by Doing Technology and their possibilities of participation in project in various roles.
  • Training of project groups heads to bases of the organization of project activity and group management.



  • Work in groups under the projects.
  • Training of members of project groups to art of presentation of received results.
  • Report session with periodicity of 1-2 times in a month for discussion of intermediate results and features of project realization (on special technique under the direction of consultants) as well as for planning of steps and tasks for the following intersessional period.
  • Individual work of consultants with heads of project groups.



  • Carrying out of final session on which project participants in the presence of heads of the organization represent the received results



  • Summarizing of work and discussion of activity efficiency of concrete project participants. Taking of personnel decisions.



Программа подготовки наблюдателей

Обучение  Assessment Center

Кадровый резерв



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